Friday, September 20, 2013

Rambling: Why Are All My Ideas So Half-Baked?!

As an artist I constantly have a hundreds ideas floating around in my head, I write down maybe half of them, and I create a forth of those at best. In my mind are all the possibilities, but my hands can only fabricate a limited amount of my ideas into existence. I imagine all creative people, whether it’s musicians, writers, chefs, or architects, have this same problem. Actually, everyone has this problem. Some people struggle with it their whole lives. So, why do only one-eighth (1/2th times ¼th =1/8th) of my ideas come into fruition when I have all this free time with only being employed part time? Examining my creation process in a flow chart might help.

With how many conditions that need to be met to create a simple image, most of the time I’d just rather watch Grey’s Anatomy and that is my problem. TV is just so damned entertaining.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this! I found your blog when looking for cold porcelain recipes and I have "half-baked ideas" all the time - I buy materials, or I actually start a project and then it waits and waits for me to "get the inspiration again" or I imagine, based on some similar experience from years ago, that I am going to be amazing at this new craft first time and when I'm not I lose interest!!! I am going to keep a little notebook with me, now, and I am going to stick this blog post in the front cover! Thank you for your honesty and insight! ~M x
