Monday, March 5, 2012

How to be Internet Famous

I bet you are just like me with beautifully coiffed hair, incredibly talented at wasting time, and some sort of talent that impresses people but not enough for them to give you money. Well you and I will no longer suffer in pecuniary deficiency and the ignominy of being artists, for behold! I have have made a list of how to become internet famous!


"But, Christen," you say, "I love many different popular stories and programs and wish for them to be as beloved by others, but I wish to be famous and loved for my own ideas!" This is wrong.

The internet said this was a photo of you.

People do not want original artwork that challenges them or sets them apart from their peers.

This a very exciting image. Please buy this on a t-shirt.

You would think nerdlings and nerd culture would celebrate unique expressions of creativity but art on the internet must be derivative to be popular.

This single image will receive far more attention than any other work I produce. 

Therefor, all memes and only memes will be allowed.

I should have been an accountant.

Are you a bad person for liking fan art? Yes.

Well, no, fan art has it's time and place.

The history of  Western art focused on telling and retelling local, Greek, and Roman mythologies and folktales or Biblical scenes as much as any other subject matter, making fan art as old as culture itself.

This is way more exciting than Super Mario dressed as Darth Vader.

Cos-play was both more simple and more likely to end in murder. Two pluses! You also really had to have the body for it.

Can't have fan art with out FAN SERVICE! 

 Art and artists need to grow in every generation so we can have more master artist that don't have to mutilate themselves then die to become famous.

I always thought the bushes looked like some evil mountain a mad scientist lived on.

Original work should be just as loved and cherished so everyone can copy it until it too becomes old worn and overplayed.

I liked this better as a cake.

Seriously though, give a nobody a try.

And please, please do not reward crap like this.

At least there is no allusions to arrows in it.

(No, this was not an article about giving my art work a try, mine is largely terrible and should be viewed by no one.)

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